About Me

I am a full-stack software engineer for a private aviation company based in Boston, MA. I am part of a team that embraces an Agile mindset by mindfully executing the Scrum framework. I enjoy facilitating meetings and encouraging transparent and cohesive group communication.

I have had the pleasure of working one-on-one with stakeholders in order to maintain product value, clarity, and progression. I find Scrum to be highly effective for producing iterative increments and maximizing closed-loop communiaction. As I refelct on the last year with a remarkable company, I appreciate the tasks I've completed and the roadblocks I've overcome.

Technical Skills

| HTML | CSS | Sass | ES6 | Angular | React | Github | Heroku | Netlify | Jira | Trello | Confluence | MongoDB | Mongoose | Postman | Bootstrap | Gatsby | Bulma | Milligram |

I have strong experience working with Angular, Angular Material, and Bootstrap. I have also enjoyed becoming familiar with working in Rails and grasping Ruby syntax. My work refactoring legacy code has enhanced my ability to triage bugs and identify if and when a rebuild is appropriate. I have also learned the importance of utilizing semantic HTML elements for the purpose of SEO and UX.


Below you will find projects that I completed during my schooling with General Assembly.

Wish Away

Wish Away

  • Ruby on Rails API inlcuding multiple models
  • React frontend with Bulma framework
  • Full CRUD operations plus authentication
  • Deployed through Netlify and Heroku
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  • MERN stack
  • REST API in Express using Node and MVC file structure
  • Full CRUD operations plus authentication
  • Deployed through Netlify and Heroku
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  • Ruby on Rails API
  • React frontend
  • Full CRUD operations
  • Deployed through Netlify and Heroku
Visit Site Github

Create Your Cookbook

  • HTML, EJS, custom CSS, Node, Mongoose, MongoDB and Express server
  • MVC file structure with 7 RESTful routes
  • Full CRUD operations and authentication
  • Deployed through Heroku
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